Hello Beautiful Human
I'm excited to offer a virtual manifestation 1.5 hour workshop on Nurturing Abundance. Men and women are welcome. The word abundance originates in the stem abundans meaning to overflow and to be full. Do you remember your great worthiness to receive everything that you desire? Sometimes in this fast world, with an emphasis on doing to be productive rather than being, there can be a forgetting of the feminine as the lead principle of creation. Our feminine aspect is sensual, open, authentic expression, trust and receptivity to receive. Our femininity allows energy to flow freely, and from this place we can magnetise all that we desire to experience in life. There is still so much scarcity consciousness on our planet that we have to really consciously tune in to our Soul and connect intimately with our inner desires and what we know is possible for us. To experience being with anything in our life, we cannot feel without. We are here as powerful creators, who can magnetise, heart throb and speak things into being with our innate magic and power.
In this workshop I'll share with you techniques for connecting in with the frequency of abundance,
approaches and rituals for manifestation and intention setting, and channel a live magical guided meditation for you
The Zoom session will be live and recorded so you can go back into it later anytime if you wish to.
If you'd like to join in this magical container, I'd love to see you there,
I'm excited to share approaches with you that created such deep magic in my life
Follow this link for YouTube introduction to the masterclass xx Kisses
With love Joanna xxx
@itsjoannalong IG
@schooloftao YouTube