relearning freedom
Joanna long

Work with Joanna
1:1 Coaching
The perfect choice if you want a sequence of personalised spirit guided coaching sessions to support you in connecting with your desires and aligning spiritually with your purpose. I work to build confidence and guide you in finding clarity.
TAO for the Nao Blue Lotus Oracle
A nourishing reflective oracle, guided by Goddess Isis, to support you through your awakening process. Geometric light code activations, questions to support healing, and channelled verse. Come fly and Earth with me.
TAO Apothecary
A TAO storehouse of magic and mystery. Audio tinctures for healing, awakening, activation, and contemplation. Journey with the Blue Stone tinctures, threaded with the Golden codes of our Cosmic Mother Isis. Each audio corresponds with one of the 64 readings from the TAO for the Nao oracle ~ The ancient future Book of Changes ~ to support you in flowing through change with ease.
Join me for origin teachings, creation codes, and mystical God secrets in my ancient meets future Taoist Mystery CULTure called the Xuan Xue 玄学. Literally School of the Abstruse and Profound Mystery. It is a school of heart naturalness, metaphysics, magic, and the mystery of the sacred feminine, which serves to promote the Unity of all things, and restore harmony. Talks, activations, and guided meditations, can be found by following the link below to my community channel.