we carve our paths of light
There is something very active, and holding of the framework of masculine energy that we summon,working through our body, when we exercise or exhibit precaution before we go into events or actions. In ancient Chinese they have an expression of 'signing across the seal' mifeng 彌封, which literally means to prevent fraud. It contains an archers bow and an exclamatory final particle ~ with symbols meaning to fill a vacancy, to overflow ~ partnered with a wrap or an envelope which is composed of the double earth symbol meaning Jade pointed implement. This sense of us signing off what we intend, and preparing as such.
Before an action, if you put something in place, responding to something you have learnt from a previous lesson and make an adaptation to your actions, and the way you do things accordingly, you are expressing to the Universe that you understand now, and that you are adopting a different, more cooperative position. Your precaution, or rather your preparation, is heard and resounding, and you are creating a different result vibrationally in this way, before you even go or do anything.
As an example, getting a train for the first time in Romania I thought I'd wing it and get a ticket at the station. When I got there I couldn't get the train I desired as it was full and the next one had only the standing option for over two hours in the bursting heat. On the return I had not heeded the lesson, I thought it would be less busy. But this time, there were no available seats until 9 hours later! The third time, having been stung sufficiently enough times, I reserved my ticket, navigated new online banking methods, and advance~booked my seat. I was met halfway, fully compliant now with this law of nature, the law of energetic compensation, and so fully supported, with a cozy cabin seat, friendly people, and space to plan new recorded meditations.
It is different to overplanning and separating yourself off from the magic and miracles, you want to remain open, but there are certain things, like getting yourself from a to b that you'd rather be smooth and pleasurable. If you do not implement some sort of masculine structure, you express, however consciously, that you have no intended preference for how this part of your story goes, and so what you attract depends upon your default enegetic signature in that moment.
When you make a decision to get on a certain train, or go somewhere upon receiving an idea to a particular place, you start to create a pathway for this action, and are sending energy there. You are already paving your way. You can then get super specific about how you intend that journey (in this instance to be) ~ speaking to the Universe what you are open for. E.g. 'It is my intention that I will have a seat on the train, and I'll meet kind open minded people, and have fascinating conversations… and … and … that will shed illumination on my path of liberation in the ways that I best receive the signs, and … whatever else you'd love it to be. If you don't do this then there cannot be this opening organisation and orchestration. You've got to help our divine Mother help you, help yourself.
If you don't prepare, there is less focused intentional framing energy going 'there' where you are going, because you have not implemented enough structure, and so the feminine is in excess, and the result is anarchy in varying degrees. The extent of the chaos depends on your default, unprepared, energetic signature at that moment, on that day. If you're in a high vibration but unprepared, your spirit team has to do some really quick reconfiguring to try and support you in the best way, under the ill prepared, unintentional circumstances.
So what do you intend?
Prepare, structure, summon in some of that gloriously divine masculine energy that we so need to support our sacred feminine receptive lead.
We sre supported fully, when we support ourselves. Whatever we wish the Universe to do or be for us