31. *essence INFLUENCE *accent CONJOIN
Alchemical tincture no.Thirty one, is all about pearlings of intimacies, parallel worlds, and acknowledging the law of the unity of opposites. Wander with me through this Golden codes of Isis transmission on welcoming contrast and seeming oppositeness as a way of seeing and directioning our energy, observing what you are attracting and equally pushing away, and noticing if there are any areas where you might be trying to fast track. Sit, walk, bathe as you meditate with this dynamic contemplation received in pure love. You can use the seal of sovereignty for Influence (draw it/sit with it, place it on an altar of yours, inscribe it in sand) below to focus your energy towards allowing oppositeness and contrast to bring you closer to your truth.
Alchemical tincture no.Thirty one, is all about pearlings of intimacies, parallel worlds, and acknowledging the law of the unity of opposites. Wander with me through this Golden codes of Isis transmission on welcoming contrast and seeming oppositeness as a way of seeing and directioning our energy, observing what you are attracting and equally pushing away, and noticing if there are any areas where you might be trying to fast track. Sit, walk, bathe as you meditate with this dynamic contemplation received in pure love. You can use the seal of sovereignty for Influence (draw it/sit with it, place it on an altar of yours, inscribe it in sand) below to focus your energy towards allowing oppositeness and contrast to bring you closer to your truth.
Alchemical tincture no.Thirty one, is all about pearlings of intimacies, parallel worlds, and acknowledging the law of the unity of opposites. Wander with me through this Golden codes of Isis transmission on welcoming contrast and seeming oppositeness as a way of seeing and directioning our energy, observing what you are attracting and equally pushing away, and noticing if there are any areas where you might be trying to fast track. Sit, walk, bathe as you meditate with this dynamic contemplation received in pure love. You can use the seal of sovereignty for Influence (draw it/sit with it, place it on an altar of yours, inscribe it in sand) below to focus your energy towards allowing oppositeness and contrast to bring you closer to your truth.