blue star stone tao audio
A starlight collection of guided meditations and contemplations , with each tincture corresponding to one of the 64 dynamic interplays of the masculine and feminine energies that gives rise to the conditions that we experience as our reality. Walk with me a while in the golden light of Isis. Receive her codes of love.
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Each TAO tincture audio is a guided contemplation, a blue lotus landing stone, corresponding with each of the 64 dynamic states of yin feminine magnetic, and yang masculine electric. Interweavings, that give rise to every state that we coexist and move within and as a part of. Melt into each cosmic audio reading as you feel compelled whether by number and title, or by using my TAO oracle as a starting point. Listen whilst sitting, walking, bathing, and permit the Golden Codes of Isis to correspond with you and your inner being.

TAO oracle Tinctures of ISIS Audio contemplations